Mission, Vision & Values


To Teach, Challenge and Transform through a flexible, virtual, and faith-based learning community that:
  • Responds to learners.
  • Fosters belonging and connection.
  • Inspires creativity, critical thinking and innovation.
  • Equips learners with voice and agency.​



We are a faith-filled learning community creating a better future through high quality online learning and teaching


Faith-Centered Education: We are anchored in the values of Brisbane Catholic Education and integrate faith into our online learning experience. We nurture spiritual growth, encourage moral values, and promote a deep sense of respect, compassion, and service to others.

Academic Excellence: We strive for academic excellence by providing a rigorous curriculum that meets the highest educational standards. Our dedicated teachers inspire a love for learning, foster critical thinking skills, and empower students to reach their intellectual potential.

Individualised Support: We value the uniqueness of each student and are committed to providing personalised support. We recognise and respect diverse learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds, ensuring every student receives the attention and guidance they need to succeed.

Collaboration and Engagement: We foster a collaborative and engaging learning environment that encourages active participation, inquiry, and teamwork. Through interactive lessons, peer-to-peer interaction, and teacher-student collaboration, we promote a sense of belonging and encourage students to contribute to their learning journey actively.

Innovation and Technology: We em​brace innovation and leverage technology to enhance the learning experience. We create dynamic and interactive lessons that inspire creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills by integrating instructional tools and learning accelerators.

Flexibility and Accessibility: We prioritise flexibility and accessibility, recognising that every student's circumstances are unique. Our online platform offers a flexible learning environment, enabling students to access quality education anytime, anywhere, removing barriers to educational opportunities.

At FisherONE, we are committed to nurturing the holistic development of our students, fostering a love for learning, and preparing them to be responsible, compassionate, and informed leaders of tomorrow.​

​​© Brisbane Catholic Education​, FisherONE Bracken Ridge (2023)